Very strange winter traditions of nations

Traditions often have deep cultural or historical roots and contribute to the unique ways in which different peoples deal with and deal with the challenges of winter. The traditions can sometimes be strange and funny. The countries of the world have many very strange traditions, and here we will review three strange traditions in three nations. They are all related to winter in many ways.



Iceland and ice cream traditions

In Iceland, there is a certain tradition or custom among Icelanders. This traditions wood people in other countries would find very strange tradition. Especially in hot countries.

That is that Icelanders love to eat ice cream in winter. Not just in the summer time as people would think either all year round. In Iceland it is very popular to eat ice cream for all kinds of occasions or just get together. And have an ice cream in all weathers.

It is even a special tradition for Icelanders to go for a drive or road trip and get ice cream. So Icelanders are not skipping ice cream even though they live in a cold country.



Greenland and National Day of Armpit Sniffing


 Neighbors of Icelanders Greenland has also a very strange traditions. In Greenland there is a special day where people come together and sniff each other’s armpits.

In Greenland, the winters are long and dark, so as to protect against depression that the darkness and the weather could cause.

To lighten the mood, people sometimes come and sniff each other’s armpits for jokingly and have fun together and increase solidarity. It is very important that people take care of their mental health. So it is good for people to do something that lightens their mood regularly.



United States and the very strange tradition Groundhog Day

The United States has also a very strange traditions which is quite old. It is called Groundhog day. On February 2nd, Since the 1800s Americans have come together to look at on an animal called a groundhog. To see how he predicts the weather. If the groundhog sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter.

There are several groundhog events around the USA in February. The groundhogs who are on the events usually have cute names, like Punxsutawney Phil for example

These traditions may seem unusual to outsiders, but they have different meanings to the communities that practice them. People there enjoy them and outsiders can learn about them and why people do this certain “strange tradition”. And maybe pick it up them self.